viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

capitalis or socialism??

Mmm is dificut to me say what is better or in what side I am with a concrete idea or very goods arguments becouse the two sides have good and bad things but I only can say that I "like" more capitalism than the socialism or the thing that I can say is that I like more live in a country that have capitalism than in a country taht have socialim but not becouse I like and I am a follower of the capitalism but I like it more than the socialism becouse I think that persons have to work to get wht they want to get and fight to get hteir pruposses but in the socialism all people have the same thing, money, etc if they work or if they dont work and I think that each person have to have the things, money, etc depens of the esfuerzo that each person do.

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